tecniche lavorazione
tecniche lavorazione

Cancian ’s workshop begins in the late 1958 when Giuseppe Cancian , mosaic master, after many work experiences in Italy and then in Switzerland , opens the first handcraftman’s business in Spilimbergo , a town in the north east of Italy. Cristina Cancian in 1993 enters in the management of the workshop with her dad. Apprentice of her father, she learns mosaic art from the time of her childhood. At the beginning like a game, she was attracted by the multitude of colours of the tesserae. Then she started to collaborate as a worker inheriting passion and secrets from her father. The actual activity consists about mosaic handicraft work, classical and modern mosaic, commercial types as well as highly artistic subjects like religious panels, decorative wall and floor covering. Cristina always puts her main effort to satisfy the customer’s requirements. She creates her mosaic works alone but sometimes she collaborating with workshops located in Spilimbergo.